Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And it's gone!

Well, our snow didn't last very long. Just long enough for me to decide I should shovel off the deck. Figured my husband wouldn't be too impressed with me holding down the fort and not doing all my chores. So, I shoveled...then the snow melted. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. The dogs all seemed to have enjoyed it too. There are a few remnant snow piles around that Alli insists on eating on when she gets a chance. Crazy dog!

Last weekend we got all the critters set up for winter. Cleaned out a lean-to off of our barn for the horses to stand under in bad weather. Got the travel kennels and kennel covers out for Kita and Dot to sleep in. Alli hasn't been letting Kita in the dog house. So, Kita gets upset and whines and yips...usually at 0200 or so. However, I think we solved all the known problems at this point in time.

The elk hunters made it home and were partially successful. One guy out of the group got a bull; however, my brother-in-law was not able to bring an elk home. The hunt went well, for the most part. There's some funny stories that came out of this hunt, but I guess there always are!

Take care--

1 comment:

  1. Remember, come next April, that this post mentions that the snow was FUN. :)
